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implements StateObject

A StateLocation belongs to a State and contains a Location that has a special meaning for its owner State. For example, clicking on this Location has an effect in the owner State but not in other States.

Fields (see StateObject for details)

private String name

private Location location

private StateEnum ownerStateName

private int staysVisibleAfterClicked
There may be a case where the expected results of clicking on a StateLocation change after it is clicked. This is however not yet implemented as it is a rare condition, but can be set and used by an application if necessary.

private int probabilityExists
Also not yet implemented. The current version assumes StateLocations always exist.

private int timesActedOn

private Position position

private Anchors anchors

private MatchHistory matchHistory


public boolean defined() is true when 'location' is not null.

public void addTimesActedOn() increments 'timesActedOn' on by 1.

public void addSnapshot(MatchSnapshot matchSnapshot)

Builder Methods

public Builder called(String name)

public Builder withLocation(Location location)

public Builder inState(StateEnum stateName)

public Builder setAnchor(Position.Name cornerOfRegionToDefine)

public StateLocation build()